Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thelma and Beauty

Taking care of animals has been the biggest joy of my life, and a return to my childhood of having farm animals as friends. I started an animal sanctuary here in Parks, Arizona, and began rescuing animals - only to be distracted from having a full fledged sanctuary, and presently accepting just the mini-sanctuary that I wake to every AM - anxious to see my friends. I can't help but want to share some of the amazing acts I witness on a daily basis by these wonderful beings.

This farm is home to 3 lambs, 5 ducks, 2 turkeys, 7 chickens, 2 peacocks, a single male red golden pheasa
nt, 2 African gray parrots, and 2 Labradors. Every animal has a name and a unique personality. The turkeys, Thelma and Louise are as different as day and night. Thelma is loving, caring and attentive to humans, and Louise is aloof and not as trusting (for not a single reason I can fathom...they were raised in the house with me, picked up and hand fed and lived in a playpen).

The story today is about Thelma and Beauty. A few days ago Beauty, the Rhode Island Red I've raised since a chick and is now 5 years old, hurt her leg and will not step on it, but jumps around on one leg. (I've examined her, but it's simply swolen and iced daily).

Every morning when I let all of them out of their coop to roam around on this beautiful 10 acres - she struggles getting to the feeding area and most times I carry her. This morning, she stopped midstream and stood there for what seemed like forever, holding her precious foot up. Thelma the turkey decided that Beauty shouldn't be alone and stood right next to her, eventually laying down next to her, in what seemed like an effort to communicate to Beauty, it was ok to lie down - she was there with her to protect her and be her friend.

This, to me, was indescribably kind - a turkey, forgoing the feed area to protect and accompany her friend Beauty. What really struck me was the fact that Thelma is a turkey and Beauty, a chicken. What barrier was crossed to find that kind of love for another species?

I only hope that someday we become as Thelma to all living beings. I see them all and wonder "how on earth could anyone kill and eat these amazing little beings".

With love for all,

Tina Volpe
Author, The Fast Food Craze, Wreaking Havoc on Our Bodies and Our Animals -
and... The Missing Peace, The Hidden Power of our Kinship with Animals....
Also, host of "Wake UP America" on Voice America Health & Wellness channel.