Monday, May 18, 2009

Francis and Albert

I never realized how incredibly intelligent peacocks were, nor how loving or monogamous. Francis (yes, named after St. Francis) is laying on 5 new peacock eggs, and Albert (named after Albert Einstein) is hovering - making mating calls, following the chickens around and acting like a nervous father. It's adorable. He sleeps in the tree above Francis as to protect and look after her, and when she comes out, he follows her around like a little puppy.

We are into week 2 with the eggs - and I promise photos and a peacock update when they hatch!

Also, Missy, our best brooder duck is laying on 8 fertile duck eggs and they should hatch about the same time!

Spring - the time for renewal and birth - my favorite time of the year :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hanna & Annie

This past week I experienced another amazing act of kindness by a sweet hand-raised, jump in your lap for love - hen named Hanna. She's been diligently sitting on eggs for the past 3 weeks, and that task paid off well, with a new little black baby chick recently hatched, we call Annie.

We have a separate chicken coop, in which the large chickens and turkeys live in together, and a baby coop, for baby chicks to live with their Moms until large enough to move into the 'big pen'.

This particular evening it was feeding time, and Hanna always makes
sure her baby gets fed first - however, while feeding peas and corn, I noticed something quite unusual and very heartwarming. Hanna, realizing that Annie's beak was too little to fit the corn and peas into - was breaking them up into little pieces - yes, its true - so that Annie could eat.

What really astonished me was that Hanna didn't take a single bite of those tasty tidbits of which she loves so much - until after Annie got h
er share and was full.

I've always known how incredibly loving hens are and what exceptional mothers they become, and now I have visual proof. This was truly heartwarming...

With love for ALL,